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Art Reproduction

As an artist, to produce your work you have invested hundreds of hours of experimentation and encountered many errors. You have experienced lots of frustration and finally reached that moment of pure joy when everything comes together and you produce art that is exactly what you are after. You and family are very proud of you and your art. As family and friends see it they tell you they would like to see it hanging on their wall. You are flattered and torn, you just have too much emotional attachment to your work to give it away or sell it. You may have tried to make another one, but it just looks like a cheap copy.

The only real solution is to have it reproduced. You get to keep your original and your family and friends can have a high quality print of your work hanging on their wall. As many of our clients have, you might consider selling prints to the general public.

We can photograph your art and produce high quality Giclée prints. Using a color managed workflow we start up by photographing your work using the highest quality camera and lens. It is then brought into the computer and test strips are printed, adjustments are made and more test strips are printed until the prints match the original as close as possible.

Additional information on our photography can be found at the Chisolm Studios Website

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